I will wrap you in my arms and never let you go.

rainy days

it's you.
there is so much things i want to say, to do, to feel with you, more then I ever tought I was able to do. I can't hardly spend my own time without thinking of you, I can stay up all night staring at you while you're sleeping, wondering whats on your mind and what you're dreaming of. And I hate the fact that i always glaze over everytime you kiss me in that gently kind of way.
so far, I can say that I like being with you alot.
Can we sit and talk for a while?
I have searched forever,
I can't imagine anything better.
Kids upon the stairway,
Couples on the sidewalk squares.
If I get to your heart soon,
I'll call a perfect afternoon.
Won't you call my number.
Don't push, but don't hesitate.
Wake me from this slumber.
Rush me, but leave time to wait.
Been up all night staring at you
wondering what's on your mind
i've been this way with so many before
but this feels like the first time
you want the sunrise to go back to bed
i want to make you laugh
mess up my bed with me
kick off the covers i'm waiting
every word you say i think
i should write down
don't want to forget come daylight
happy to lay here
just happy to be here
i'm happy to know you
play me a song
your newest one
please leave your taste on my tongue
paperweight on my back
cover me like a blanket
mess up my bed with me
kick off the covers i'm waiting
every word you say i think
i should write down
don't want to forget come daylight
and no need to worry
that's wastin time
and no need to wonder
what's been on my mind
it's you
it's you
it's you
every word you say i think
i should write down
don't want to forget come daylight
and i give up
i let you win
you win cause i'm not counting
you made it back
to sleep again
wonder what you're dreaming
wise men say only fools rush in,
lisa nilsson - himlen runt hörnet
runt hörnet
En egen ängel i en säng
Som om himlens
alla små stjärnor
Sjöng för mig, sjöng för dig
I en underbar refräng
Du är himlen
runt hörnet för mig
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind. For me it happens all the time.
I'm gonna sip this wine and pass the cup, goodnight!

jag tror jag har blivit psykiskt sjuk...

Hjälp någon?
Nu får det var nog!
Efter idag så tänker jag inte ens tänka en tanke om dig, inte hoppas att jag ska se dig vart jag än går, om jag är ute på promenad, på stan, är i området där du bor, ute och festar. Det är patetiskt jävligt patetiskt nästan bisarrt, jag vet men det är slut med det nu, JÄVLIGT SKÖNT!
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return.
är sjuk och ligger med ca 39-40 graders feber, tack va roligt!, känner mig rastlös och deprimerad. Känner mig riktigt känslomässigt instabil just nu, hatar mina tankar, hatar min känslor, hatar denna dumma värld!
men det är väll tur att det finns bra filmer man kan grina lite till dagar som denna. så nu blir det Moulin rouge.
nothing new

kunde inte beskriva det bättre eller på ett finare sätt själv, LELOVEIMAGE.BLOGSPOT.COM
I'm a little drunk but I need you now
Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleepin
Your in my head like a song on the radio
All I know is I gotta get next to you, gotta get next to you
Sittin here turnin minutes into hours
To find the nerve just to call you on the telephone
Cause you don't know that I gotta get next to you
Maybe were friends
Maybe were more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little to long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I just gotta get next to you
ah, gotta get next to you
Asked around and I heard that you were talkin
Told my girl that you thought that I was outta your league
What a fool, I gotta get next to you whoa, gotta get next to you
Yeah its five in the mourning and I can't go to sleep
Cause I wish, yeah, I wish you knew what you mean to me
Baby, Lets get together and end this mistery
Maybe were friends
Maybe were more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little to long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too
Maybe I, Maybe I just gotta get next to you
whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do
how you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you
whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do
how you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you, Yeah
whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do
how you get the one you want
What I gotta say, what I gotta do
If I wanna get next to you
whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do
how you get the one you want
To wanna get next to you, yeah
To wanna get next to you
Maybe were friends
Maybe were more
Maybe it's just my imagination
But I see you stare just a little to long
And it makes me start to wonder
So baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too
Maybe I baby call me crazy
But I know you feel it too
Maybe I, maybe I just gotta get next to you
I gotta get next to you
Killar är inte simpla längre!
Jag har alltid velat tro att man kan vara kompis med en kille/killar utan att de ska bli nå problem utav det, jag älskar att umgås med killar helt enkelt. Dem är så simpla och roliga att vara med men inte nu längre visar det sig. jag har ju alltid trivts i deras sällskap jag var som en pojkflicka när jag var liten kanske darför jag haft en sådan inställning. Men det går inte! varför kan dom inte bara vara simpla och inte få känslor för tjejer som dom umgås med?! jag hatar att det är så och jag vill inte tro att det är så men det visar sig att dom flesta vill ha mer utav vänskapen än den andra, vilket suger as! orka förstöra en vänskap?!
Och gör en jävligt dum sak som att försöka kyssa sin tjejkompis! man kysser inte sina kompisar! eller jo det kan man göra men inte försöker hångla upp! fyfan. Nu är min ståndpunkt av att man kan vara bra vän med killar utan att det behöver vara något mer över..