Film tips: Galen i kärlek

en grymt bra film med många fina och hemskt sanna scener. och ja kvinnor blir galen i kärlek det är inget man kan undvika... och till och med dom man minst anar.

She: Harry look here is the problem i really like you
He: I really like you
She: Yeah but I love you like you I do I love you

He: I think we should consider maybe we’ll getting a little a head of our selves
She:  do you? you know im like the dumb girl that doesn’t get it I’ve never been the dumb girl before it aint so great.
He: Lets just calm down, I had this plans before I met you. I mean I do when I say I do and I’m always surprised buy it
She: surprise by it?
He: I have never lied to you I have always told you some version of the truth.
She: The truth doesn’t have versions, ok?
He: Cut me a little slack, my life has just been turned upside down
She: Mine too!
He: Well then let’s just get each other our bearings
She: I don’t want my bearings, I’ve had my bearings my hole god damn life. I felt something with you that I never really knew existed do you know what that’s like? After 20 year marriage to feel something for another person that is so.. that.. ooh right, right not your problem.
God, Do you know that I’ve written about this but I’ve never really got it.
Do you know what this is?

She: It’s a heart broken how is that for a …
He: You’re killing me
She: I just wish it would lasted longer than a week
He: Me too.
She: Oh, that is a terrible thing to say. You know, the life I had before you I knew how to do that I could do that forever. But now look at me what am im going to do? What am I’m going to do about all this. TAXI!
He: Erica, wait just a second. The truth is I just don’t know how to be a boyfriend
She: That is what you have to say after all off this that you don’t know how to be a boyfriend?!
He: It’s not a small thing..
She: Are we done?
He: I don’t know…
She: Oh my god.


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